Wonderland Cardigan Welsh Corgis - Puppy/Dog Purchase Inquiry Questionnaire

    "Raised with priceless devotion, only the best will do for the precious Cardigan puppies we help bring into the world."

    Now that you have decided that you would like to own a Cardigan Welsh Corgi, we need to decide if this breed is a good choice for you. Please fill out this questionnaire and add any comments that you wish at the bottom of the page. By doing so it will help me be better able to choose a puppy/dog which will be best suited to you, your family and your home.

    Your Name*

    Your Email*

    Your Phone*

    Your Age*





    1-Do you currently have a dog? Please list age, sex and breed of current dog(s):

    2-Please list any other pets you have:

    3-Who will be the primary caretaker of your puppy/dog?

    4-Do you have a fenced yard? If not, how do you plan to exercise your puppy/dog?

    5-Is anyone home during the day?

    6-Do you plan to crate train your puppy/dog? If not, what are your plans to housebreak your puppy/dog?

    7-Where do you plan to keep your puppy/dog during the day/night?

    8-What is the most important characteristic your puppy/dog should have?

    9-Is everyone in your household in agreement to adding a Cardigan Corgi to your home?

    10-I want a Cardigan Corgi for:

    Household CompanionObedienceTrackingTherapyAgilityShow/ConformationHerdingJr. ShowmanshipHiking

    11-I prefer:

    Young PuppyOlder PuppyYoung AdultRetired AdultAge does not matter

    12-Please feel free to add any other activities here

    13-What made you decide that a Cardigan Welsh Corgi is the best choice for you? Have you done any research about this breed?

    14-Please tell me what type of temperament you hope to have in your Cardigan and why?

    15-Do you have a color preference?

    16-Do you have any other comments or concerns?

    17-Please provide two references and your Veterinarian's Name, Address and Phone #

    Thank you very much for taking the time to answer these very important questions. My Cardigans are part of my family and therefore I take great care to find them only loving, forever homes. Agreeing to let me pair you with the puppy/dog that is the best fit for you insures both you and me that you and your new Cardigan will have a happy life together.

    I hope to be able to welcome you to the Wonderland Cardigan Family.

    Love from Wonderland,